NOTICE: New Partner Enrollment Limited To The Next 45 9 Applications

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 You Have Been INVITED To...

...Use A Secret Cash-Printing 'Loop-Hole' 
To Legally Print Up To $1797/Day...

You Have Been INVITED To...

...Use A Secret Cash-Printing 'Loop-Hole
To Legally Print Up To $1797/Day...

Your Invitation Expires In:


Read More Below

For IMMEDIATE Release: Income Team X Recruiting New Partners
RE:  Low Effort Viral Commission Generation Program

Welcome! I'm glad you're here. I'll get right to the point.

My team is looking for people to test a pioneering new system that generates commissions of $989 - $1797 day. 

The bad news is I can only use another 45 people.

The good news is, this has been designed so anyone  Regardless of Credit, Income, or Education can be part of our Income Team. 

Even if you've tried in the past to make money online and failed at it, you're about to change your luck, FOREVER...  

I hope you accept your invitation, because if you've been looking for a way to earn residual income with almost NO EFFORT, then look no further. You've found it.

Our Testers are Reporting HUGE Earnings...
Hey Brad, Um... Wow! Income Team X is pretty awesome. I've bought almost every fake guru product on the market and completely failed. Not This Time. $562 a day on average. Thank YOU! 
 Brad.. So far so good.  I logged in the first day, setup my steps, barely did anything, and all of a sudden 2 days later, boom... I'm looking at $2100 a week in commission!
Sup Mr. Brad? For real tho... why's this so easy? My man can't believe something online actually isn't a scam. I figured it was for $17... Anyways, I made that back and then some in under 10 days. Thanks! 
Let's Get Something Out Of The Way...
You're here because one of our trusted partners wanted me to invite you.  

As you know there are millions of dollars made online every single day. 

Make no mistake, you've probably tried to make money online before and failed. 

It's not uncommon. Many people are in your shoes. 

I just want to let you know that you're not alone.
Year after year, time after time, these online fake gurus with their "get rich quick" systems slowly siphon off your hard earned money. 

I'll bet you're feeling frustrated at best, completely broke at worst. 

If you've had enough of feeling abused, confused, and taken advantage of, keep reading.  

You've been invited to a very exclusive team of income earners. 

Which leads me to why this website exists...

... We'll get to that in just a second.

First I want to introduce myself. 
My Name is Brad Wilksford... Ex-Loser
Hi, My name is Brad Wilksford, and for the last 3 years i've been a self employed, single dad who built a dream life using the information i'm about to share with you today. 

Sure today I'm able to take trips, buy cars, pay for my sons private school without a care in the world. 

but it wasn't always like that. 

I spent my 20's chasing money, going from job to job, always working some dead end 9-5 job that paid near minumum wage.

Truth be told, I hated my life until I turned 30... 
I didn't realize it then, but looking back, I wasted 10 years of my life working to make other peoples dreams come true. 

I was basically as a slave, trading time for money, much like many people you might know. 

Until the day everything changed. September 15th 2008, The day I got dumped. 

That's right... my sons mom looked at me and said, "I'm taking our son, and we're leaving, I need a man who can provide". 
That's When It All Changed...
Nautally I was devastated. How could this happen? 

I was doing the right thing for my family, working jobs I hated, just to put food on the table and it wasn't enough!

It was then and there I decided to become a valuable asset instead of working for an hourly wage to build someone elses dream. 

I spent about 3 days scouring the internet until I came across a review of this "make money" program called "The Ultimate Wealth Package"
I'll make this VERY long story short, As I know your anxious to start your journey to success...

Reluctantly, I pulled out my credit card and paid the enrollment fee and off I went into the training. 

It was a course on how to make money online. 

I studied it night and day, followed the steps and the morning of November 23rd 2008 I had made my first commission online

It was incredible. The review said it was worth every dime, and boy was that true. 

The next few years I honed my craft, and was able to build up a fortune, get out of debt, get my son a better education and lifestyle. 

I went and bought every item I always wanted, and gainfully employed about 4 people at that time.
We Call Ourselves Income Team X. 
Fast forward to 2023 and my team is still cranking along. 

I've been able to earn more money in 15 years than my parents did working their entire lives. 

And currently, The team employs around 50 people, from developers to software coders, to customer service, to data management.
It's a real machine that's been humming for a while now and I'm truly blessed with an amazing life now. 

While that all sounds great, I'm about to take a step back from this team i've built to pursue other life goals. 

My main focus now is to put another 45 people on my team that can take over the reins when I plan on stepping down. 
That, my friend is why you were invited here today. That's why this website exists. Welcome to Income Team X
My Team Needs New Partners.
In order to feel comfortable taking a "step back" from my company, I need to make sure the roles I fill have the right kind of people, supported with the right kind of tools in order to pull off the dream like I did. 

Making money online can be really difficult. 

That’s why I directed my software team to develop a commission program that makes things A LOT EASIER.

I told them to develop a program that gives ANYONE a REAL chance of making online income.

I gave them 6 things that absolutely MUST be included before I let anyone else join income team X. 
I Made My Team Develop A System That:
 1. ANYONE can use, but more importantly...
 2. I wanted it all to be done with NO HARD WORK NEEDED.
 3. It must NOT require any additional fees like software billing, hosting costs or domain fees.
 4. I wanted it to be so SIMPLE that my grandmother could set it up within 12 minutes.
 5. I wanted all the content to be generated AUTOMATICALLY with point and click setup.
 6. I wanted it to be able to generate commissions, just by COPYING and PASTING
Welcome To: Income Team X
I'm proud to say that over the last 12 months, we've developed a program that delivers a real, commission generating business for you.

Yes that’s right. We did it.

My team hit all 6 benchmarks so people like you can get started earning an income online with just a few clicks.

But this is NOT YET AVAILABLE to the public.

Someone invited you to this private page, so I have some great news for you.

My company needs just a few more partners to work out any potential issues before we release this massively powerful program to the public.

If you're interested in becoming one of the few new partners with Income Team X, read the rest of this website CAREFULLY!

Partnering with us is easy, and your journey to success can be started in under 15 minutes.

Once you're in:

It's as easy as
1. Type  2. Copy  3. Paste... You're on your way. 

But you must first qualify...
Would You Like To Earn Money Like This?
all in an effort to prove our system works as I imagined it would.

At first, I was going to run a pre-test for a group of a few lucky individuals...

Then once I saw the astonishing results I was having with it...

and how fast money was coming in...

I decided to open a partner program before I decide to step away from the company. 

The good news for you is: The alpha testing stage is complete, which means it's working.

However, over 15 years of making money online, I always expect the unexpected.

SO, It's time to move to the next level!

Beta Testing

Beta testing is the 2nd stage of any software or program before it gets released to the public.

This is where you find small bugs or errors, or issues with the program just by using it.  

All we need is about 45 more people with no experience to follow our instructions, and prove that this system can be released to the masses.
Once the beta testing phase is complete, We will then make our system available to the public!

Since someone invited you to view this page, you should consider yourself to be very lucky.

If you're still reading this page, that means there's at least 1 partner spot left...

If the screen suddenly goes blank that means we took this down and the spots are full.

Sorry, There's nothing we can do about that. 

So long as you qualify, you can join our team! 
Why Our Partner Program Is PERFECT
  • Ability to potentially make thousands Per Month.
  • ​​You can start earning more than your regular job.
  • ​​Work as much or as little as you want.
  • ​Work from anywhere that has internet service.
  • ​​You get guaranteed on-going work.
  • ​​Early partners pay nothing additional when price increases.
  • ​​Step by step instructions built for a newbie to understand.
  • ​​​We provide 365 days a year of support and assistance.
  • ​​Get paid via direct deposit/ACH
Here's What Partnering With Us Entails:
 STEP 1: Register with us to see if you qualify.
 STEP 2: Login to your Partner Portal & select your favorite category.
 STEP 3: Paste your commission ID into the software.
 STEP 4: Click "Save" and your system will automatically be setup.
 STEP 5: Follow some simple instruction and watch your commissions grow.
 STEP 6: Report bugs, commission earned, and leave a testimonial.
You Can Be Rest Assured:
The Beta Tester Position Does NOT Involve:
 You do NOT have to sell anything to anyone.
 You do NOT have to advertise anywhere.
 You do NOT have to do anything illegal.
 You do NOT have to refer anyone.
 You do NOT have to talk to anyone or deal with emails.
 You do NOT need to get a website or domain name.
This Really Might Be Your Ticket OUT Of the 9-5. 
As I mentioned before, making money online can be very difficult. 

Mostly because you don't have anyone showing you EXACTLY How the big dogs do it. 

Let me cut the BS. We've exploited a loophole, almost a glitch in the "matrix" if you will. 

There's a reason companies like that "online retailer" we all know and use every day (use your imagination, we don't want to be sued) is worth BILLIONS of dollars.   

The more sales they make the more reviews they get. More reviews = more sales. 

There's absolutely NO SECRET SAUCE to it.

Remeber, I used a review myself to get started making money online...   

The invitation you got today, drops you smack in the middle of a 45 Billion dollar loophole. 

Wouldn't that be amazing? Imagine jumping right into a team of people who:

1. Know exactly what they're doing
2. Have been doing this for YEARS
3. Automated a proven billion dollar "review" sales process so ANYONE can use it? 

Now, Imagine being able to piggy back off what THEY are already doing to earn millions... 

Now imagine, just a fraction of the sales they make could be YOURS without you having to lift a finger? 

That's exactly what happens when you accept your invitation. 

Once you do, you're free to make as much or as little money as you want. 

All you have to do is follow the simple videos in the Income Team X "Team Portal". 

Interested yet?  How about this: 
More Incredible Success Stories...
Hi Brad, Mike here, Just wanted to say this is absolutely crazy. Since Day 1 I've had pretty good success. unlike others, ITX is effortless and yes, I've made my first dollar online! I'm VERY pleased
 Brad, I just cant thank you enough...  I've tried building an online business in the past with no results whatsoever... That's all changed by being part of your team. I just love the company and I cant wait to help you grow it!
Hey Brad, I wanted to do everything I can to achieve the American dream...You gave me a great head start... so far $342.67 in commission, this is AWESOME!  This is not just another make money online scam... thanks! 

This Will Cost You $17. Once. 

Sounds Crazy right? Frankly, It IS

Listen, I get it... maybe you've been burned in the past, or maybe it seems too good to be true. 

So let me get right to the point. 

Your success is important to me. I want to see you win because helping everyday folks like you is part of my mission...

And also because when you're making money with Income Team X, I'm making money, too.

For every invitation accepted for $17 - My company makes $124.00.  Which is Not a ton of money, but...

As a team, we're going to work out the bugs in this system so its PERFECT

That will then help even MORE people get paid outrageous amounts of money in commissions whenever they want.
I want this testing phase over as QUICKLY As possible. 

Why? Simple. 

It's not ALL charity here and I AM Running a business... 

Once the beta testing phase is complete, I'm raising the price to around $1,997. 

So, getting your spot on the team now is a win-win for both of us. 

You get in on the ground floor and help me expedite the process so I can finally retire. 

And yes, your entry guarantees your spot on the team no matter the price in the future

How To Qualify

 You MUST: Be a U.S. Or Canadian Citizen - NO EXCEPTIONS

 You MUST: Fill In The Private Registration - Mandatory

 You MUST: Submit $17 One Time Activation Investment - This is to cover the costs of your Team Portal Access, and our customer service team. After the beta testing period we predict the price of this will increase to $1,997.

The Key Is Viral Commissions

You've heard the term "Went Viral" before I'm sure. 

It means that something online has spread so fast and without effort, It multiplies like a Virus. 
Remember earlier I mentioned the key to making millions of dollars online is reviews and traffic?

The people that have mastered the ability to generate both, also know how to make sales go absolutely viral.

This is how they make the money they do. 

When you accept your invitation and get your Partner Spot in Income Team X, 

The Partner Portal automatically builds you everything you need to become a viral review GOD online. 
No, It doesn't include buying Facebook or google ads.

That's the #1 way to go broke QUICKLY.

No, were not doing anything illegal or spamming our friends.

This is a 100% self contained marketing machine that hands you every single thing you need to be successful online.

This software SHOVES you into a giant pool of traffic, and COMMISSION.


Let's Look Inside The Portal..

  •  Step 1: Activate Your Pages You'll name your pages which are built automatically. 
  •  Step 2: Your Money Tools Here's where you'll setup the ability to earn commission
  •  Step 3: Monetization Here's where you'll paste your account ID's
  • ​ Step 4: Traffic Here's where you'll decide where you want that viral traffic to go so you make money
  •  ​Step 5: Run Your System Here's where we put it all together and press "GO" 

Here's The Members Area

Once inside the members only, password protected members area, you'll find each step laid out in easy to understand 2 minute videos! 

Bonuses, and our complimentary upgrades that normally sell for $197

All yours for just $17.  One time. That's IT. 

Once you go through the training...

All you have to do is log in once a day.

Follow the steps, which takes about 15-20 minutes, and Boom! 

You have a real online business setup, earning you money on AUTOPILOT

That's not even including the free viral commissions you'll get from social media sharing!

You don't even have to lift a finger to get paid! 

Introducing Income Team X

  • 1 Click Installation: Your commission pages are generated instantly. 
  • Easy Income: Get passive income by just sharing a fully monetized review page. 
  • Multiple Streams: Diversify your income by earning numerous different ways.
  • ​DFY Monetization: Earn money from your list even if no one buys with this ground breaking commission item.
  • ​Passive Income: Finally control you own destiny and earn commission while you sleep.

Spots are Limited

The team only has room for a few more members.

Their customer service team, and staff can only handle a limited number of clients.

They've stated they are close to the limit and this offer can be removed at any time! 
If this offer is not available ANYWHERE Else. Once those 45 Partner Spots are gone, the price will rise dramatically. 

The best idea is to accept your invitation now, if its not for you for any reason, I'll give your $17 back instantly with zero questions asked

Quick Overview!

P.S. - If You Scrolled To The Bottom Just To See The Price, Here Is a Quick Break Down Of What You Get:
  • Instant Access To Income Team X Software
  • ​Instant Placement With Your Commission Team
  • Ability To Start Earning Money Today
  • Get Paid For Your Work
  • ​No Experience Required 
  • ​No Domain or Hosting Required


You Could Log in Tomorrow and
Have an Account Like This:
If you leave this page I guarantee someone else will take your spot...

forcing you to work at your dead end job for the rest of your life.
They will be enjoying the life of your dreams. 

Don't get caught wasting your life working for peanuts. 

Don't Wait. Do it now
P.S. - If you're seeing this page still up online, that means there's spots available

The Team is begging me to open 100 more spots, but it looks like we will be closing this site within the next few hours. :( is the trusted retailer for Explodely is a trademark of Explodely LLC, a US corporation located at 1317 Edgewater Drive Suite #4648, Orlando FL, 32804, United States and used by permission. Explodely’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product(s) or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product(s). If you aren't completely satisfied with your purchase, or need order support, please contact Explodely here:

Copyright © 2023 - Income Team X

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